67,000 Linear Feet | Lawrence County, KY | Construction Completed in 2015
Natural channel design was used for stream re-establishment on perennial and intermittent streams at the watershed scale. Re-establishment included construction of grade control structures in the form of riffles, vanes, and habitat features such as toe-wood. Enhancement of ephemeral streams included spot treatments for bank and gully stabilization, minor meander bend adjustments, and grade control structures to control head cutting.
The Big Sandy Stream Mitigation Bank Site is part of the Kentucky Stream and Wetland Umbrella Mitigation Bank. This project was a design-build project that entailed the enhancement and re-establishment of over 67,000 linear feet of headwater streams on a 532 acre site. Priority I restoration was utilized for stream re-establishment on the perennial and intermittent streams in the main valleys. Re-establishment also included adding grade control structures, in the form of riffles, vanes and habitat features such as toe-wood. Enhancement of streams included spot treatments for bank and gully stabilization, minor meander bend adjustments, and grade control structures to control head cutting. A riparian buffer consisting of trees, shrubs, grasses and flowering plants were planted and are maintained along each stream segment. The design approach for the Big Sandy Project utilized a combination of (1) spatial and temporal statistical analyses applied to on-site and off-site data; (2) natural channel design methods based on the concepts of geomorphologic and hydraulic stability; and for the larger streams, (3) detailed hydrodynamic and sediment transport modeling including bank erosion prediction and meander migration potential. BCH provided all of the design and permitting for the mitigation bank site. This included setting up the umbrella mitigation banking instrument (UMBI) that governs the bank, implementing the Letter of Permission (LOP) process with the Louisville District of the Corps and the Interagency Review Team (IRT), obtaining the 401 Water Quality Certification, the 404 Permit and all other permits for construction of a stream. Stream Restoration Specialist (SRS) constructed all of the streams to the project specifications, maintained the project schedule, and completed the planting of the site. This project was constructed using various sizes of excavators, small tracked dump trucks, a large screening plant for manufacturing the sandstone bed material gravels and cobble, various other small dozers and other equipment that was suited for work in tight valleys and steep slopes. As-built conditions indicate excellent Rapid Bioassessment Protocol (RBP) scores post construction after being flow tested through the construction season.
Ecosystem Investment Partners, Beaver Creek Hydrology, and Stream Restoration Specialist teamed together to develop the Big and Little Sandy mitigation sites that included over 72 miles of stream restoration in the eastern portion of Kentucky. The photograph above is of the groundbreaking ceremony at the Big Sandy Mitigation Project site. From left to right: Josh Brock (SRS), Steve Brock (SRS), Brian Belcher (BCH), Case Davis (BCH), Dave Harmon (Kentucky Transportation Cabinet), Murray Starkel (EIP), Colonel Beck (USACE Louisville District) and Adam Rice (Representative from U.S. Congressman Harold Rogers).