5,190 Linear Feet | Boulder, CO | Construction Completed in 2018
The Black Swan project included restoration of 5,190 feet of Four Mile Creek for fish habitat improvements, mine tailings removal, and wetland improvements. The project was conducted in response to catastrophic flooding following the 2013 flood in the front range of Colorado. This project included a reference reach analysis, a full geomorphic survey, a complete hydraulic design including a HEC-RAS model, channel realignment, multiple agency permitting with full design submittals, and construction. Also included in the project were flood debris removal on streambanks, historic mine tailings removal, and conformation to proposed and concurrent road and bridge construction. The project team worked closely with the Four Mile Watershed Coalition, the Four Mile Fire Protection District, landowners, and stakeholders to develop and implement a design that accomplished all design goals while preserving private infrastructure adjacent to the reach.