4,227 Linear Feet | Leslie County, KY | Construction Completed in 2013
Located in the Daniel Boone National Forest, this project involved full channel reconstruction to create a meandering mountain stream. The old channel was abandoned, and a new channel was created at a higher elevation to reconnect the stream with the floodplain and to elevate groundwater to near the surface across the valley. The old channel was partially filled, and several vernal ponds were created in the old channel. This project required coordination with the United States Forest Service on all aspects of the design and construction.
The Elisha Creek Stream Restoration Project is a stream mitigation project developed to restore aquatic habitats along Left Fork Elisha Creek in the Daniel Boone National Forest. The project involved reconfiguring stream and wetland resources within a valley impacted by historic agriculture and silvicultural practices. The project re-established 4,067 linear feet of Left Fork Elisha Creek and rehabilitated 160 feet of a tributary. The restoration of the Left Fork of Elisha Creek involved the enhancement of some areas of the stream and full channel reconstruction to create a meandering C4 Rosgen stream type. The old channel was abandoned and a new channel was created at a higher elevation to reconnect the stream with the floodplain and to elevate groundwater to near the surface across the valley. The old channel was partially filled and several vernal ponds were created in the old channel. This project required coordination with the United States Forest Service on all aspects of the design and during construction. BCH assisted FILO in the preparation of the mitigation plan and all permit documents.