2,400 Linear Feet | Nolensville, TN | Construction Completed in 2009
This project included the removal of two private bridges from the reach, floodplain modeling – including FEMA no-rise certification, priority II restoration and enhancement of project reach, riparian buffer design, and management of the federally endangered Nashville crayfish during construction, and cattle exclusion from the property.
The Mill Creek Restoration Project consisted of restoring approximately 2,400 linear feet of a 3rd Order stream and creating wetland areas to buffer runoff from a new development adjacent to the project site. This project also required special consideration of federally endangered species, the Nashville Crawfish, which lives within the reach. The scope for this project included: Full geomorphologic assessment; Conservation Easement survey and legal plat; Reach design approach; Instream stabilization and habitat structures; Wetland BMP areas; Removal of two private bridges from the reach; Floodplain modeling – including FEMA No-Rise Certification; Priority II Restoration and Enhancement of project reach; Riparian Buffer Design including plantings at 400 stems/acre; Management of the Nashville Crawfish during construction; Cattle exclusion from the property.