69,000+ Linear Feet | Casey and Marion County, KY| Phase I Construction Completed in 2017
Natural channel design was used for stream re-establishment on perennial and intermittent streams at the watershed scale. Re-establishment included construction of grade control structures in the form of riffles, vanes, and habitat features such as toe-wood. Enhancement of ephemeral streams included spot treatments for bank and gully stabilization, minor meander bend adjustments, and grade control structures to control head cutting.
The Rolling Fork Stream Mitigation Bank Project Phase I is a design-build project that entails the enhancement and re-establishment of over 230,000 linear feet of headwater streams on 2,700 acres of land. Phase I consists of 2,037-acres in watersheds A, B, C, and F. The primary objective of this stream and wetland mitigation project is to preserve, restore or enhance perennial, intermittent and ephemeral stream habitats and adjacent wetlands. Beaver Creek Hydrology utilized a natural channel design approach to restore and enhance the streams on this project site. Priority I restoration approach is utilized to restore connectivity with the floodplain along most of the streams. This will provide for stable channels with improved habitat features, reduced sediment load to the stream system and an increase in the groundwater levels within the valleys. Wetland systems will be restored adjacent to the channel where appropriate. Most of the streams on the site have been impacted by silvicultural and agricultural practices in the past and are in poor condition. Many streams on the site have been used as roadways and travel pathways for removing logs from the site. BCH and SRS are providing all services necessary to designing, permitting, construction and monitoring the Rolling Fork Mitigation Project Phase I. These services include items as necessary to get the approval of the Mitigation Banking Instrument, to obtain a 404 Permit from the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and a 401 Certification from the Kentucky Division of Water. A total of 2,730 acres is placed under permanent deed restriction.